Archive: Kyle Gann's New York Times Articles

"Kronos's New Order, a Quarter Century Old" - Kronos Quartet's ten-disc set, November 15, 1998
"An Opera Lures a Futurist Back to the Present" - Tod Machover's Resurrection, April 18, 1999
"A Symphonist Stakes Her Claim" - Gloria Coates, April 25, 1999
"It's Sound, It's Art, and Some Call it Music" - Whitney Museum Sound Art Exhibition, January 9, 2000
"That Grumpy Old Pianist Is Ives" - Review of Charles Ives playing piano, February 20, 2000
"On Life's List of Things to Do: Opera" - Review of Elliott Carter's opera What Next?, March 7, 2000
"Making Bowls Sing and Elephants Talk" - Review of Raphael Mostels's The Travels of Babar, June 11, 2000
"Electronic Music, Always Current" - Review of the Electronic Evolution festival, July 9, 2000
"Where Minimal and Maximal Meet" - Morton Feldman's Second String Quartet, February 17, 2002
"An Opera That's a Talk Show That's a Philosophy" - Mikel Rouse's Dennis Cleveland, April 28, 2002
"Melding Rock and High Art With the Help of 100 Guitars" - Rhys Chatham, June 22, 2003
"'Words Without Music' by Philip Glass" - Review of Philip Glass's book, June 5, 2015

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