Audio Examples for Kyle Gann's book
The Arithmetic of Listening:
Tuning Theory and History for the Impractical Musician

Chapter 12: Non-Twelve-Based Equal Temperaments

Jason Yerger's Porcupine Temperament chord progression (from Paul Erlich's article "A Middle Path"):

Easley Blackwood: Microtonal Etude No. 4, in 23tet:

Neil Haverstick: Birdwalk, in 19tet:

Juhani Nuorvala: A Spiral Ground, in 22edo:

Nicola Vicentino: third section from Musica Prisca Caput, in 31edo:

Of further interest:

They Might be Giants: Dog in 31edo
Chris Vaisvil: Piano Exercise in 17edo (2016)
Ivor Darreg: Suite for Microtonal Piano, 2nd mvmt. in 22edo (1975)
William Lynch: 22 Etudes, No. 1 (Porcupine temperament)

If you find any problems with the examples, e-mail me here

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